‘It's a Wonderful Burien' supports Winter and Art markets for the Holidays

SPONSORED: The City of Burien invites you to discover the joy of art during the 2022 'It's a Wonderful Burien' events series. During this special s...

November 30, 2022
4:16 AM

SPONSORED: The City of Burien invites you to discover the joy of art during the 2022 'It's a Wonderful Burien' events series. During this special season, you can enjoy a variety of shopping opportunities showcasing unique goods and the artist who craft them. In case you hadn't noticed, a makers movement has taken firm hold in our popular culture bringing emphasis on individuality, uniqueness and 'micro' instead of 'mass' produced goods. If you'd like to tap into this trend in your holiday gift giving, Burien offers several opportunities to peruse a multitude of artisanal and handcrafted goods including art, or simply enjoy art as you shop local.